Highland Park
Highland Park Texas is a highly affluent town located in central Dallas County. The population was 8,564 at the 2010 census. This community lies between the Dallas North Tollway and U.S. Route 75 and is located 4 miles north of downtown. Residents enjoy a high quality of life and plenty of shopping, dining, and entertainment. Read on to learn more about living in Highland Park. Here are some of the things to consider when choosing a neighborhood in this town. Learn more
The median age of residents in Highland Park, Texas is 37 years old. There are two separate school districts serving the area. Property taxes are generally around 2.08 to 2.16 percent of tax appraisal value. For more information on property taxes, you can visit our DFW property tax rates page. The best cities/towns rank is based on data gathered from the U.S. Census Bureau, State of Texas Comptroller, and Google Maps.
If you’re considering moving to Highland Park, there are a number of things to consider. First, you’ll need to decide which kind of community you want to live in. If you are on a budget, a hotel might be your best bet. But even if you’re on a tight budget, you can still enjoy some of the city’s amenities. And if you’re on a tight deadline, you can always get a room at a local bed and breakfast. Next article
Point of Interest #1 Peter Millar, 54 Highland Park Village, Dallas, TX 75205, United States
Point of Interest #2 Cartier, 51 Highland Park Village, Dallas, TX 75205, United States
Point of Interest #3 VALENTINO, 47 Highland Park Village, Dallas, TX 75205, United States